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New, March 2025: review of the 1961 made-for-TV film of Jane Eyre

Folk legend Phil Ochs once described Bob Dylan's album Highway 61 Revisited this way: "It's impossibly good ... How can a human mind do this?"

That's how I feel about Charlotte Brontë's classic novel Jane Eyre. It's page after page of wonderfully passionate, extraordinarily written prose. While not a quick or easy read, it richly repays literature lovers for their investments of time and attention.

As Shakespeare wrote (about something else, but it could have been this book): "Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety."

I've set up this website to share some personal observations on what makes Jane Eyre so delightful and unforgettable. In addition, I report on books and films related to Jane Eyre, and I delve into other writings by Charlotte and her sisters.

Please stay tuned as I proceed with this labor of love. Don't miss my reviews of Jane Eyre movies (thirteen so far, from 1934 to 2011).

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