A Vivid Visual Portrait of the Brontë Sisters' Lives
In early 2012, I
watched a video called "The Brontë Sisters," which I'd borrowed from Netflix. (It's also available for sale from
Amazon.com.) This video is part of "The Famous Authors Series"; companion works cover many other literary
giants, from Shakespeare to Orwell. (The same company also has produced "The Famous Composers

Its 30-minute run
length looked ideal for my short attention span, but less suitable for fleshing out the lives of Charlotte, Emily,
and Anne. I was impressed with how much interesting material the producers managed to squeeze into that scant
A narrator (with a
regrettably dry delivery) talks the viewer through the sisters' lives, from their father's upbringing and marriage
through the death of Charlotte, the longest surviving of the trio. In between, we see various pictures of the
sisters (most often, a portrait of the three painted by their brother Branwell); vintage drawings and current video
of the places where they lived; and some fascinating artifacts, even including a storybook that a very young
Charlotte wrote and illustrated (for Branwell's amusement, if memory serves).
This quick overview
obviously can't compare to the type of in-depth research compiled in works such as Charlotte Brontë: A Passionate Life. Still, I found it well
worth a half hour's viewing time.